Emotional repression healed with tantric love

25 Jul
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Many suffer from the past traumas, memories of which follow them as ghosts.

Can one learn and use tantra as a tool for repressed memory therapy?
Can one cure repressed anger symptoms with tantric therapy?
Can one uncover and release repressed anxiety with tantric therapy?
Can any other emotional repression be healed with tantric love?

Yes, yes and yes.

Tantra practice heals by awakening the powerful vital energies. Through these eneries you have an opportunity to enter into higher states of consciousness.

If you expect to merge your dual nature into an ecstatic union, it can be achieved through the sacred act of tantric love.

By the harmonization of your own internal masculine and feminine opposites and by realizing the transcendent nature of the Self, you find perfections in everything you are.

Tantra encompasses sense of perfection, sensuality, and ecstasy through all sensory experiences. Tantra enhances all forms of creative manifestation, it encourages movement of the body, dance, yoga, massage, martial arts, the fine arts, healing, music, etc.

Through glorying in the delights of the body, your body starts serving you as a temple. In this beautiful temple you destined to experience the sacred. It becomes a doorway to significant spiritual evolution.

Let me guide you in (and facilitate for you) this journey of ultimate healing.

Tantra can help your loved one to enjoy life to the fullest. Tantric love kindness meditation can help a person heal guilt, anger and anxiety.

Tantra can help a person break down any limiting cultural boundaries.

Tantra guides us in the search for unconditional love.

Tantric love practice reveals to us our transcendental essentse, and when we see without lenses of perception, our boundaries unexpectedly expand.

We step into new domains of awareness.

Learn more about one on one private tantric classes in The Bay Area, California. Book your session now!


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