Heal depression naturally with Tantra

19 Jul
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People often ask me wether tantra can improve one’s phisicial and mental health.

Can you lower your blood sugar with tantric practice?
How good is tantra for mental therapy?
Can I heal from painful break up with tantric practice?

Can tantric practice heal diabetes?
Can tantric practice heal depression naturally?
Can tantric practice heal heart conditions?

The answer to all above is “yes”!
Tantra can offer significant improvement to your phisicial and emotional health.

Translated from Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism, Tantra means “to extend, spread, spin out; to show, or manifest.”
Similarly to the universe itself, Tantra is constantly expanding our, perceived to be limited, beings, spreading.
With tantra we discover ourselves to be manifested like a “cosmic weave,” that consist of various energies.
Tantric practice is a mystical subject.
Tantra is nearly impossible to define.
Tantra is a spiritual science, almost mystical, in its interconnectedness.
Tantra is the holistic wisdom and practical link between our Selves and the entire universe.

Tantric healing power.

With Tantra, one’s energy is released that is evolutionary.

We mastered how to use this energy not only for physical pleasure, for achieving our worldly goals, and for our spiritual evolution, but also for physical and mental therapy.

It’s time to improve your health, let me help you with healing program that is pleasant for a change.

Instead of lengthy workshops may be you should consider one on one private Tantra yoga in Silicon Valley, California for better result? If you want to engage travelling Tantra yoga practicioner to host classes at your location, I will be delighted to guide you to your true Self through modern tantric practices.

Learn more about one on one private tantra classes for men or women in San Francisco, California. Book your session now!


Schedule an appointment with me.
Come to California for a few days or book on-site sessions to discover the miracle which you already are and has always been .

Explore Tantric Yoga with experienced tantricatantra goddess in San Fransico bay area.
Discover Tantric Love.
Awaken with tantric techniques that I will share with you during our classes.
Benefit from Tantric Club.
Practice Tantra in San Francisco.

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