Tantra Online for Healing

1 Jul

Tantra sexuality is far more powerful than the westernized neo-Tantra knows — it is a greatly misunderstood path of developing awareness and happiness. Tantra Yoga, or Tantric Yoga, often don’t talk about the sexuality parts of the ways because it can be seen as off limits. And even though anyone can find a lot of Tantric sexual websites, you can readily uncover a bunch of misinformation about Tantra online.

Modern society sees insanity and deviant activities are usual, no more a problem than a bad cold. The current social and religious system supports separation and it has induced a division within individuals and nations, resulting in fighting, war and in general a world of insanity, lacking beauty and happiness. Western (Eastern) culture uses sexuality for manipulation — sexy men and women are used to market cars, soap and many other products–while at the same time suppressing wholistic sexual expression. Sex being such a powerful force, we have created the best place for neurosis, and sexual misconduct, and dis-ease in general.

Tantra says that we all can celebrate life when the thought of separation, or otherness, disappears from the physical body and mind, allowing people to meet on all levels of awareness — physical, vital, mental, emotional and spiritual. Tantric partners often think of themselves “soul mates.” Tantra Yoga or Tantric Yoga is the answer. And anyone can find out about Tantra online. True Tantra sexuality is never neo Tantra.

Tantra, the practice of spiritualizing your sexual self, gives practical tools to change fear and attachment into joy and universal power. Shame, possessiveness, guilt and other negative emotions that drain your life power, just drop away.

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Most fundamentalist religions — even far Eastern, Moslem, and Christian philosophies — focus on the denial of sensual feelings, Tantra on the other hand welcomes the total expression of bodily joy, seeing that within the physical body lies hidden the “bodiless,” or the spiritual. The body is only layers of unseen energy in form, and it can all be healed if we release into the sexual energy. Tantra sexuality is not what you may believe.

The practice of Tantra sexuality should not be mistaken for mere hedonism. Perhaps it could be labeled “spiritual hedonism,” which says, “eat, drink, and be merry, but do it with full awareness.” Awareness is the essential difference. Remain aware as you enjoy sex before the old habits come and make you go unconscious. Remain aware of the energy. Tantra says Yes! to sex, Yes! to joy, and Yes! Yes! Yes! to all forms of unconditional love.

This is how Tantra sexuality practice heals us. From this place of let go to unconditional Love, all things re-align themselves to bring your joy and your awakening.

Tantra healing and tantra wellness is a deep subject. Stop reading – connect with me and let’s begin your tantra practice.

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